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Moms Supporting Moms

Reimagining how pre-and-postnatal fitness can help mothers connect with their babies and their bodies.

In celebration of Mother’s Day 2024, Desi Bartlett, a finalist for the 2023 IDEA® Fitness Awards and a contributing author of the IDEA Fitness Journal, revisits her experience inspiring a prenatal client turned friend through yoga. Reflecting on her 2020 article “A Pregnant Pause,” Desi recalls her clients’ success story in light of the rising popularity of pre-and-postnatal fitness and emphasizes the impact of Mom’s Supporting Moms. As an entrepreneur, author, and wellness advocate, her mission is to support women through life’s transitions, boasting a following of over 63k and having coached celebrities like Ashley Tisdale and Kate Hudson through their pregnancies.  

As an IDEA member for the past 20-years, Desi acknowledges the importance of continuing education for fitness professionals through organizations like IDEA. Meet Desi at 2024 IDEA® World, July 10-14 in Los Angeles. Use code: IDEAMOM50 to get $50 off registration. 

Every day, I wake up inspired by the opportunity to support and empower moms through their fitness and health journeys. One such remarkable journey began when I met Natiya Guin ND, during my prenatal yoga class. As a fitness and yoga instructor with a passion for helping moms, she touched my heart when she changed her entire work schedule to attend my class. That day we became fast friends. It has been a joy to support her in health and wellness and collaborate with her to share our mission with Moms all over the world. 

When we met in 2010, Natiya was already living a healthy lifestyle, and prenatal yoga provided her with more than just physical exercise. The practice offered her a sanctuary from her bustling life, allowing her to focus entirely on her body and her growing baby. Our friendship grew stronger with each practice, and when Natiya became pregnant with her second child, she trusted me to guide her through her fitness journey once again. 

Our approach was comprehensive, combining yoga, meditation, and traditional fitness techniques to address Natiya’s needs holistically. From modified sun salutations to strength-building exercises like squats and lunges, our goal was to strengthen her core muscles and support her throughout her pregnancy and recovery. I understood the importance of safe and mindful exercise as a mother myself, and it was a joy to share this work.  

Natiya’s journey with me didn’t end with her second pregnancy.  

Our friendship blossomed as she welcomed her third child and pursued her dream of becoming a naturopathic doctor. We have since worked together on many yoga and fitness projects, including photography and modeling for my book, “Your Strong, Sexy Pregnancy: A Yoga and Fitness Plan” (Human Kinetics 2019), and we collaborated again in 2022 for my second book, “Total Body Beautiful: Secrets to Looking and Feeling Your Best After Age 35.” 

“Dr. Natiya” (as I call her), now teaches medical ethics at the University of California San Diego. She’s a naturopathic doctor, skincare entrepreneur, gifted photographer, and amazing Mom. She encouraged me to earn my PhD and wrote my referral letter. I will be joining her with the title of Doctor next year.  

Natiya is more than a friend, she is a true sister, and in the spirit of sisterhood, we recently co-hosted a women’s Yoga retreat in Cabo San Lucas for best friends. This retreat will now be an annual adventure with friends from all over the world enjoying Natiya’s holistic health wisdom, and her incredible photography skills. 

Reflecting on our time together fills me with gratitude. Being able to support Natiya through such a pivotal time in her life, both physically and emotionally, is a privilege I cherish. She built her dream, and seeing her grow and thrive as a mother, a Doctor, a photographer, and an entrepreneur greatly inspires me. She reminds me that when we share our talents and collaborate as women and as Mothers, we lift one another to new heights. 

What’s Your Story? 

Do you have a client who has overcome the odds to achieve new heights in health and fitness? Send your story to [email protected], and you and your client may be featured in an upcoming issue of IDEA Digital Fitness Journal

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