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Fabio Comana, MA, MS

Fabio Comana, MA, MS

Fabio Comana, MA, MS, is on the faculties of San Diego State University and NASM, and is a scientific advisor for Orangetheory Fitness, Core Health & Fitness and Caloric Responsibility. He was the original creator of ACE's Integrated Fitness Training Model™ and ACE's live educational workshops. Some of his prior positions include: Division I collegiate head coach and strength-conditioning coach, opening and managing clubs for Club One and president of Genesis Wellness Consulting. He is a national and international presenter, a media spokesperson and an accomplished author.

Article Archive

The Energy Balance Equation

February 15, 2012

We are taught that weight loss is simply an equation of calories in versus calories out. If only it were that simple. There is no magic formula for weight loss, of course, but researchers have developed many mathematical models to help us better understand how the body sheds weight. This article examines major concerns associated with these calculations (they are far from perfect) and then discusses simpler solutions that empower all of us to confront one of the most vexing issues of our times.

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