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Pamela Nisevich Bede, MS, RD

Pamela Nisevich Bede, MS, RD

Pamela Nisevich Bede, MS, RD is a marathoner, triathlete and sports dietitian who knows firsthand the important role nutrition plays in athletic performance, and in life itself. She is the nutrition expert for Abbott’s ZonePerfect® business and is known for passionately sharing adept nutrition advice with athletes, weight loss warriors, general wellness seekers and health professionals. She shares her expertise across media platforms as well as in her latest book, Sweat. Eat. Repeat.

Article Archive

How Eating “Green” Impacts the Environment

April 20, 2015

The American diet and the American waistline are expanding, and the effects are drastic. Concurrently, the world’s population is expanding, and competition for natural resources (soil, land, energy, water, air) is intensifying. All these events are linked through their impact on the environment.

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Achieving R & R, One Meal at a Time

September 28, 2011

With summer past and winter looming, active people have earned a season of R&R—recovery and rejuvenation. Whether you spent your weekends competing in triathlons or worked long hours keeping clients in shape for summer adventures, your bodies have taken a beating over the past few months.

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How Eating “Green” Impacts the Environment

March 10, 2011

The American diet and the American waistline are expanding, and the effects are drastic. Concurrently, the population of the world is expanding, and the competition for natural resources (soil, land, energy, water, air) is intensifying. All these events are linked because of environmental impact.

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Fiber & Digestive Health for Active People of All Ages

February 17, 2011

As a dietitian who specializes in sports, I work with athletes of all ages and abilities. Some athletes eat a stellar diet, while others have much room for improvement. Regardless of their diets or abilities, athletes often arrive at my office with one of two goals in mind: achieve better health and wellness by changing their eating habits, or improve athletic performance by changing their eating habits. In one of these cases, a client asked me to tweak his diet to help him move from a competitive age-group category to elite standing.

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What’s the Deal With Detox Diets?

January 26, 2010

As a registered dietitian who sees a wide range of clients—from Olympic-caliber athletes to gastric-bypass candidates—
I occasionally field questions about the
efficacy and safety of detoxification (detox) diets. Never having been a fan of any diet or pattern of eating that promises excessively accelerated weight loss, I usually answer these questions with great concern because of the potential dangers of extreme fasting.

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Nutrition Needs of Senior Athletes

September 8, 2009

It’s not just the ranks of older Americans that are swelling: the number of seniors who are physically active is also going through the roof. Now, more than ever, your older clients are participating in races and vigorous fitness classes—and
a percentage may even make it to the Senior Olympics.

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Training Tips for Vegetarian Athletes

March 25, 2009

Like many athletes, I was recently looking for a leg up on the competition. I was preparing for a fall marathon and already working hard on my running and speed work, but I wondered if by tweaking my diet, I could gain an edge. As a registered dietitian and sports nutrition coach, I was aware of several successful elite athletes who practiced vegetarianism.

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Nutrition for the Long Run

August 27, 2008

As I toed the line at the start of the 2007 Chicago Marathon, two things quickly became obvious: One, the sweat running down my face as I waited for the gun to go off served as a warning that I had better remember to seriously monitor my fluid intake. Two, the extremely long lines for…

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Sports Nutrition for Young Athletes

March 31, 2008

More and more young athletes are seeking
personal fitness trainers for specialized workouts. As part of their training,
we strive to help these young people become stronger and better able to
withstand the rigors of sports competition. But physical training is only one
part of the equation: young athletes also need to learn why proper nutrition is
vital to optimizin…

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