Suzette O'Byrne
Suzette O'Byrne
Article Archive
Many women enjoy the benefits of yoga or other exercise during pregnancy, but then become inactive postpartum—perhaps because they don’t know which activities are safe or appropriate. Sadly, they miss the opportunity to restore a gateway to stability in the body, and later they may find themselves hampered by weaknesses in the pelvic floor and…
Read MoreMany women enjoy the benefits of yoga or other exercise during pregnancy, but then become inactive postpartum—perhaps because they don’t know which activities are safe or appropriate. Sadly, they miss the opportunity to restore a gateway to stability in the body, and later they may find themselves hampered by weaknesses in the pelvic floor and…
Read MoreMy former race coach used to encourage our cycling team to “finish the hill,” to ensure we didn’t power down prematurely. As you start your indoor cycling cool-down, that can be a great reminder for both you and participants. Allowing your instruction to relax completely as class winds down can be detrimental; participants may respond by losing interest, leaving, or turning it into a social networking opportunity and ignoring you.
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