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Fitness Program Director Salary and Compensation Guide

Fitness/Program Directors average 43 hours a week when they are salaried, but only 26 hours per week when their jobs are compensated hourly, according to data from the 2010 IDEA Fitness Industry Compensation Trends Report.

Fitness Floor Staff Salary and Compensation Guide

Fitness Floor Staff positions are typically entry level, and responsibilities include monitoring equipment, supplies and people in the facility.

Among the facilities represented in the 2010 IDEA Fitness Industry Compensation Trends Report, 28% employ fitness floor staff. Most are employees (97%) who are paid by the hour (98%). They average 19.5 work hours per week, earning an average of $11.75 per hour. From 2006 to 2008, their hourly rate increased by just $0.25; from 2008 to 2010, there was a more significant increase of $1.50 per hour.

Regional Differences in Wages and Salaries

Living costs vary by region, and consequently so do salaries and wages. The 2010 IDEA Fitness Industry Compensation Trends Report provides regional comparisons of average pay rates for fitness professionals located in the Northeastern, North Central, Southern and Western states. Three of the eight job categories are predominantly salaried, and the rest are paid hourly. There are no significant regional differences among the salaried positions (fitness/program directors, personal training directors and group exercise coordinators).

Staying in the Fitness Game
Staying in the Fitness Game

How do you succeed in the fitness profession? Whether you’ve just gotten certified, you’re returning to a fitness career or you’re an experienced pro who wants to develop new skills, the answer is the same: keep learning. Continuing education is a career necessity that becomes increasingly important as the fitness industry grows more sophisticated, diverse, specialized and evidence-based.

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Whether you just graduated from university with a health-related degree, recently obtained your first fitness certification or are contemplating how to get more out of your current position in the fitness industry, deciding on the right career pathway is an important—and sometimes overwhelming—process. The good news is, the fitness industry offers an abundance of opportunities for a variety of personality types, aspirations, skill sets and interests.

How do you compensate or reward trainers for a job well done?

At our studio we do not have a set bonus structure. I don’t believe in one because I want my employees to work hard to be proud of themselves and feel fulfilled, not simply to earn additional money. We sometimes provide bonuses, but they are not solely based on gross receipts. They are also based on trainers taking initiative, being innovative and going beyond the job description.

2008 IDEA Fitness Industry Compensation Survey

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IDEA Fitness Industry Salary Survey 2004

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Incentives for Staff?

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IDEA Stats: How Do You Set Your Fees?

Fee-for-service models are preferred by 57% of IDEA members who responded to the 2003 IDEA Fitness Programs & Equipment Survey. Even those who use a membership dues model are charging for some programs.
These were the options offered on the questionnaire:
annual membership dues access all programs offered

annual membership dues plus separate fee for some classes or programs

pay for individual session/class or “package” of sessions or classes

How the Income Flows

Personal training is a popular activity because it helps clients achieve their goals. Although a new membership package may include several personal training sessions, over time the client pays extra for personal training. Often, businesses split the fee with the trainer.

What Are the Pay Scales Around the Country?

Average hours worked and compensation for the industry were reported in the January 2001 issue of IDEA Health & Fitness Source. These charts break down those results into regions. When looking at the numbers, consider that the region includes big cities and suburban areas, as well as small towns.