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Group photo at 2022 IDEA World Convention
A New Meeting of Mind, Body and Soul

Here’s a peek into that world where the mind can explore new ways of approaching classic formats; where your imagination can stretch along with your body; and where your spirit can soar through pure and powerful inspiration that nourishes the soul.

Three people sitting in meditation.
Meditation Basics

What Is Meditation? Meditation is an approach to training the mind, similar to the way fitness is an approach to training the body. Someone with no knowledge of fitness tools…

Deep Breathing and Mental Clarity

Next time you want to improve your ability to pay attention, you may want to observe your breathing. Findings from a study published in Psychophysiology (2018; doi:10.1111/psyp.13091) show that the locus coeruleus—the part of the brain that produces noradrenaline (also referred to as norepinephrine)—is directly affected by respiration. The study also shows that rates of inhalation and exhalation are related to attentional performance.

Pilates Breathing and the Core

Pilates breathing techniques not only provide training benefits during Pilates exercises, but also can be a beneficial practice when lifting heavier objects. Korean researchers at Cheongju University in Cheongju, Republic of Korea, wanted to determine the functional value of Pilates breathing exercises and core stabilization.

Cuing Lateral Breathing

Breathing is one of the Pilates principles and a foundation for movement. Lateral breathing focuses on expanding the rib cage laterally “while maintaining a consistent inward pull of the deep abdominal muscles during inhalation and exhalation.”

Diaphragmatic Breathing & Neck Pain

Everyone from elite athletes to average clients can benefit from learning more about breathing or reprogramming the way they breathe. More specifically, by teaching them techniques that emphasize diaphragmatic breathing, you will help them meet their exercise goals.

Heart-Opening Breathing Practice

Welcome to Inner Idea. I’m Kelly McGonigal, and today we’ll be practicing a heart-opening breathing exercise.

The intention of this practice is to dissolve restrictions of the heart—both around the physical heart center