IDEA Data Show Business Is Booming
Trainer Survey
By Patricia Ryan, MS
IDEA Data Show Business Is Booming
New data reveal the expansion of training into new skills and new opportunities.
% of respondents offering program
Total of All Respondents Health Clubs and YMCAs PFTs in Client Homes PFT Gyms
n (number) personal training (one-to-one) personal training (2 clients share) personal trai…
Operation Organization
Synergistic Systems
By Kay L. Cross, MEd
Operation Organization
Don’t wait for spring to make a clean sweep of your working environment! If someone peered into your car, file cabinets, kitchen pantry, laundry room or closet, what would they assume about you? Would they guess that you are always in a hurry, loaded down with too much stuff and barely holding your act together in the public eye? Or …
Get ‘Em Powered Up!
img src=”/files/article_images/20…
Public-health officials and the press talk about good health and weight loss, but dedicated fitness professionals are doing the work of inspiring people to exercise. Using creative ideas, good science and great personal rapport, the fitness community is purposefully working behind the headlines to change lives.
9th Annual 2004 IDEA Fitness Programs & Equipment Survey
Percentages in this section are likely the respondents’ estimates or observations. Respondents may not have had reference data.
The estimated percentages do not equal 100% because of rounding.
Using Foam Rollers in the Fitness Setting
Foam rollers have long been used in rehabilitation clinics as a multipurpose tool to improve core stability, balance, proprioception, soft-tissue mobility and body awareness. Now these versatile devices are being seen in Pilates mat classes, weight rooms, athletic training centers, physical therapy clinics and yoga studios.
Sample Class: Resistance Tubing Workout
Resistance tubing is one of the most convenient and versatile pieces of equipment available today. According to the 2004 IDEA Fitness Programs & Equipment Survey, it tops the list of 15 types of equipment most often provided by program directors. It’s inexpensive, durable and easy to store, making it a perfect addition to the fitness toy box.
Trends in Personal Training
Personal training continues to grow, despite the political and economic turmoil of the past few years. Responding to the 2004 IDEA Programs & Equipment Survey, IDEA personal
fitness trainer (PFT) members reported positive directions in their profession.
Highlights of this first-time survey showed trainers are experiencing
Are You on the Ball Yet?
Four-year data trends revealed in the 2003 IDEA Fitness Programs & Equipment Survey show that stability ball-based training is on the upswing. Have you incorporated this type of work for your clients?MORE WHAT’S NEW, P.11 IDEA PERSONAL Trainer APRIL | 2004 IDEA PERSONAL Trainer APRIL | 20044 what’s newbusiness
Fitness Trends Report
The IDEA mission to Inspire the World to FitnessTM begins with each of you. Your expertise in integrating equipment and fitness activities is the key to attracting and retaining exercisers.
The more people are attracted to—and retained by—your programs and facilities, the more people will exercise. Their participation helps build your business, which enables you to provide more programs and equipment. That is a circle of fitness worth completing for everyone.
8th Annual 2003 IDEA Fitness Programs & Equipment Survey
idea fitness managerCustomer Profile
Percentages in this section are likely the respondents’ estimates or observations. Respondents may not have had reference data.
The estimated percentages do not equal 100% because of rounding.
Find Your Balance With the BOSU® Balance Trainer
No two ways about it: Functional balance training is hot. This progressive concept has permeated all aspects of fitness, sports and elite athletic training and often brings with it a…
Choosing Age-Appropriate Exercise Equipment
Aging is something that happens to all of us, whether we want it to or not. It brings with it life’s experiences and challenges. One such challenge, a decline in functional abilities, is due in large part to a decreased fitness level. Thanks to a mound of scientific evidence that would make believers of even the most skeptical among us, we now know that most of this decline can be prevented, reversed or delayed through exercise.
Getting Your Equipment Needs Met
Q:My director knows our studio microphone is broken and agrees we need to fix it right away. She says she has requested a repair. Yet 3 weeks have elapsed, and nothing
has been resolved. Meanwhile, my voice
is shot. If I refuse to teach until the mike is repaired, I will be considered a problem instructor. But if I continue to teach without a mike, my voice will suffer even more. What should I do?
Fitness Programming Equipment Trends
Strategically developing your fitness business is like planning a garden. A gardener has many elements to consider—location, climate, space—and the elements can go together different ways. There are as many “right” ways to put together fitness programs and equipment as there are garden styles. And like a gardener, you have the opportunity to change things around every year.
6th Annual IDEA Fitness Programs and Equipment Report
Everyone wants to know them and to benefit from them. Fitness consumers demand them—except
for those who try to avoid them.
What are the newest fitness trends?, we ask.
A trend, according to Webster, is a “line
of general direction and movement” or a “current style or preference.” Being trendy
is being fashionable. And in fitness, there can be a lot of fashion!
Key Trends in Programs and Equipment
Managers and staff in the fitness industry are very resourceful. The quality and quantity of activities they produce show a flair for innovating an apparently unending blend of exercise formats and equipment. This capability is captured in the results of the 2001 IDEA Fitness Programs and Equipment Survey. IDEA members reported on their clients, programs, equipment and work environments, and painted a landscape of tried-and-true activities integrated with new options.
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