Restorative Movement
How Exercise Reduces Depression
Physical activity, particularly aerobic exercise, is known to reduce depressive symptoms, but how is not understood. Researchers from University College London reviewed multiple studies on depression, exercise, motivation, dopamine transmission,…
Restorative Yoga May Reduce Chronic Pain
Older women with chronic pain who participated in twice-weekly flow and restorative yoga classes experienced reduced pain.
Experience MELT: The What, How and Why of MELT
If you’re wondering what a MELT class is like, it’s not a silly question. Chances are MELT will feel familiar but also unlike anything else you’ve done before. We use a soft roller, but MELT is not foam rolling. We’re moving our bodies, but it’s not stretching and we don’t even consider it a workout. So no wonder there’s a bit of mystery around what it’s actually like.
Tai Chi Is Good for Older Adults
Why tai chi? These Chinese movement patterns have been around for centuries. In recent years, study after study has proven their benefits—particularly for older exercisers—yet most fitness professionals seem to…
MELT Method: The Missing Dimension in Wellness
MELT is a gentle self-treatment technique that uses a specially designed soft roller and treatment balls to rehydrate connective tissue and rebalance the nervous system.