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Eating heavily processed foods is tied to over three dozen health problems

Eating ultra-processed foods is tied to over three dozen health problems

June 18, 2024

Wondering if that junk food is REALLY having an effect? Find out why ultra-processed foods are so bad for you.

Exercise won’t silence the health problems of sugary drinks

Exercise won’t silence the health problems of sugary drinks 

June 18, 2024

Sugary drinks may taste great but the long term health affects aren’t. Can exercise cancel out the negative aspects of sugary drinks?

Secrets of Super Agers

Secrets of Super Agers 

June 18, 2024

What’s their secret? Why do Super Agers, people who live past 90, have such long lives? What can you do to live a longer, healthier life?

Effective Fall Prevention Exercise Update


June 18, 2024

We’ve curated all the fitness headlines just for you! Want the latest news? Check out Headlines for the newest info.