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Woman in bed with wine headache
Why Wine Causes Headaches

A study reports that they may have found the culprit behind wine headaches. And it ain’t the sulfites, but a flavanol called quercetin.

Leafy greens
Nutrients in Leafy Greens

According to a study that measured nutrient density, the top five foods with the highest nutrients were all leafy greens.

Food tracking
Food Tracking: How Much Is Enough?

Good news for on and off-trackers: a study in Obesity finds that compulsive food tracking is not needed to achieve meaningful weight loss.

Man looking at grocery receipt to show rising food costs
Food Costs on the Rise

The USDA’s analysis demonstrates the impact rising food costs are having on how much we are spending to feed ourselves.

Man flexing with milk to illustrate protein timing
A New Study on Protein Timing

A study challenges the persistent narrative around protein timing that extra grams of protein consumed over a certain amount go to waste.

Buy or Bye: Kefir

From a nutritional perspective, few dairy products can stand up to kefir, making it a smart buy. Let’s explore why.

Man checking mirror for hair loss
Sugary Drinks and Hair Loss

Research reveals a possible link between drinking sugar-sweetened beverages—such as sodas and sports drinks—and hair loss.