Bone Health
Heavy Resistance Training Provides Dividends in Older Age
Study finds resistance training near retirement age provides long lasting benefits. Motivate retirement-age adults to do a heavy resistance training program to reap more strength and functional benefits in later…
1K Walk Test Can Predict Older Adult Fracture Risks
Fit pros working with older adults may using walking to screen for fracture risks and whether bone health should be prioritized.
Osteoporosis: Facts, Stats and Exercise Recommendations
Health statistics, risk factors and pathogenesis of osteoporosis, as well as exercise recommendations for improving bone health.
Exercise for Osteoporosis
Exercise improves bone mineral density for people with osteoporosis, but questions remain regarding safety and effectiveness.
Strength Training, Veganism and Bone Fractures
People on a vegan diet have an increased bone fracture risk. A new study offers ways to address the risk of veganism and bone fractures.
Vitamin D and Bone Health
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient to how our bodies function, including helping maintain bone health and strength.
No Risk of Osteoarthritis from Physical Activity
New research adds to our understanding of the limited risks of physical activity and its connection to osteoarthritis.
Strategies for Preventing Bone Loss
Know the basics of bone loss, and help your clients grow and retain the strongest bones possible with these training strategies.
Bone Density and Healthy Aging
If you work with adults 50 and older, it may be time to educate them about the impact exercise can have on bone density and healthy aging.
Adolescence: A Key Time for Building Bones
Teens who stay fit with vigorous activity are laying the foundation for a lifetime of bone health, according to a study in JAMA Network Open.
How to Lose Weight Without Losing Bone
Wearing a weighted vest may help older adults to successfully lose weight while protecting bone quality and density.
Build Fitness Without Demolishing Joints
High-impact exercises — such as burpees, jumping jacks and other moves that get both feet off the ground simultaneously — can help build strength and endurance and shed fat quickly.
As a result, they’re often incorporated into high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, which have gained recognition because they burn an impressive number of calories in a short amount of time and boost metabolism for up to 48 hours after the workout’s over through the afterburn effect.
Hip Fracture Risks and Postmenopausal Women
Hip fractures have serious consequences, including an increased risk of death within the first year following the accident. Findings from a recent study offer good news on the benefits of physical activity for postmenopausal women.
Boning Up on Skeletal Health
Skeletal health is just as important as heart health.
Bones form the frame that keeps our bodies from collapsing and serve as a bank for minerals essential to multiple bodily functions. In fact, 99% of the body’s calcium is found in the bones and teeth (NIH n.d.). The skeleton anchors everything fitness professionals deal with every day: muscles, joints, tendons, the whole kinetic chain.