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Breathe New Life Into Your Business

Reinvigoration Strategies
By Kay L. Cross, MEd

Breathe New Life Into Your Business
Reignite your enthusiasm for your career by creating a new vision for your company. After a number of years in personal training, many trainers find themselves in need of renewal and reinvigoration. Burnout–due to boredom, stagnation and lack of personal balance–is common even among the most seasoned professionals. Why? When growth stops, decay begins. Renewal becomes essential both to preserve yourself and to realize your dreams. If you have outgrown your business, instead of throwing in the towel and looking for an entirely different line of work, how about redefining that business to reflect the updated you? Surely, there must be a new way of looking at the same old thing. Wipe clean the slate of your mind while leaving the imaginative and creative sectors open. How do you achieve reinvigoration? First renew your mind with a clearly defined set of needs and values; then weave those into a colorful new vision.

Analyze Your Needs

You probably know numerous people who have begun a business without closely examining their needs or values. In fact many businesses succeed without this preparation. But the growth process can be condensed and simplified by committing thought up front to bringing to light these unique self-identifiers. A need implies the lack of something desirable or useful. Needs are not necessarily negative; they are simply a fact of life. By intentionally addressing your

needs, you can satisfy them–at least to a level where they no longer control all your thoughts and actions. When you fail to meet your own healthy needs, you attract other needy people. For example, if you need improved cash flow because you have excessive credit card debt, you may be motivated to accept difficult clients, or simply more clients than you can manage. Conducting a needs analysis is quite simple. Ask yourself, “What things or conditions must I have in place to be my best?” Go through the following steps:

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