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top 10 ways to get healthy in 2010

It’s January, and clients everywhere are coming out of the woodwork looking for that magic bullet to get in shape. Armed with New Year’s resolutions and good intentions, what they really need are some simple, easy ways to improve their health in 2010. Here are 10 tips to pass along that really work:

  1. Switch from regular soda to diet, and pass on sugar-laden energy drinks.
  2. Never skip breakfast.
  3. Drink alcohol only on weekends, if at all.
  4. Use olive oil instead of butter on bread or when cooking.
  5. Chew your food slowly, and always sit down when you eat.
  6. Substitute sweet potatoes or yams for white potatoes.
  7. Always ask for salad dressing on the side.
  8. Choose dairy products that are fat free or 1%.
  9. Ask restaurant servers to bring you half your meal and to put the other half in a doggie bag to take home.
  10. Replace your regular dishes with smaller salad plates.

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